
Troubleshooting Your Printer

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Troubleshooting Your Printer

When I was growing up, the only way to print something was to take it to school and hope that the technology lab could read your floppy disk. However, these days, most people have a printer at home that they can use whenever they need to. I don't know about your, but at my house, we have our fair share of trouble with our printer. Sometimes it jams, while other times we end up dealing with clogged print heads and streaky lines on our documents. Fortunately, I have learned how to troubleshoot these problems, and I want to share the solutions with you.

5 Tips For Effective Use Of Text In Your Sales Booklet

Is your sales booklet effective? The way you use words and text within it goes a long way toward making it work successfully at your goal of convincing customers to buy your products. How should you structure your text for the best results? Here are a few key tips and why they matter.

1. Keep It Simple

Today's customers aren't likely to open a booklet and read large amounts of text. Paragraphs of text are more likely to turn off readers, causing them to skip over what you've gone to the effort of writing. So avoid lengthy descriptions, long sections, and flowery sentences. Keep it simple and to the point. Your salespersons can fill in the details.

2. Use Headers

Don't underestimate the value of the simple section heading. A header provides a point of reference for the words around it, orienting the reader and allowing them to skim the pages successfully. Use headings to encapsulate the most important point of a section and to create interest in the reader's mind. 

3. Add Bullets

One of the best ways to avoid dragging down the pages of your sales booklet is to reformat ideas from paragraphs into bullet points. Bullets are easily digested, and by their nature, keep descriptions specific and short. They also leave plenty of white space around the words, increasing readability.

4. Keep It Legible

Don't waste your time and effort structuring the pamphlet pages only to leave them physically difficult to read. Use a limited number of fonts and only those which are organically easy to read. The one exception is a unique font related to your brand, and this should only be used strategically. In addition, use colors, both for backgrounds and texts, that are easy to read together. There is a time to get crazy with experimentation, but your booklet isn't it.

5. Break It Up With Pictures

Photos and visual aids are, of course, the other key element of a good sales booklet. Keep all visual elements relevant and purposeful in relation to what's around them. Use these where they will emphasize or clarify what you have written, such as by demonstrating options you describe in bullet points. And they're a good way to break up too much text. 

Want more ideas for structuring your text well throughout your sales booklet? Start by working with a custom printing service near you. With their guidance, your company may be able to churn out the best possible sales tool to maximize profits.